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ME Falcon Spirit

Posted Date: 3/08/25 (:30 AM)

ME Falcon Spirit
March 7, 2025
A Note From The Principal
Welcome to March. We saw some signs of spring this past weekend and are starting to see some flowers pop up around campus as well! It is hard to believe that we are entering the final days of winter, and that spring is just around the corner. There’s been a lot going on around school the past several weeks as students are engaged in continued learning. 
At the beginning of February, we spent some building time together looking at mid-year diagnostic data in reading and math. This time spent together as staff is a valued time where we learn from one another and share ideas of success across classrooms and grade levels. The professional development time we have together helps us grow as professionals and the staff and I are appreciative and thankful that families support us in having this time! For planning purposes, due to the snow days in February our end of year calendar has been pushed back a little bit, and our last day of school is now scheduled for Monday, June 23rd. (Of course, this could change if we have a resurgence of winter weather!)

I also wanted to share that I am amazed at the regular participation of parents/guardians as Art Docents and Nature Guides here at ME. A huge thank you to all the parents/guardians that have become involved in these programs to provide wonderful art and outdoor learning opportunities for our students! 

Thanks for all that you do to assist us in educating your children and supporting us in this very important work. Have a great March!

Jack Sackett, Principal
Blue background with flowers and a pink clock. "Spring Forward".
Reminder - Spring Forward
Don’t forget to move your clocks forward 1 hour before going to bed Saturday night.
Kids sitting on the ground. Blue background with ABC and 123 flashing. MSD Kindergarten Register Starting March 3rd.
Kindergarten Registration
Kindergarten registration for the 2025-26 school year is now open! If you or someone you know has a child who will be five years old by Aug. 31, it’s time to register for kindergarten. Families can register online or in person at their neighborhood school between 9 a.m. and 3 p.m., Monday through Friday. Click here to learn more and register.
March Breakfast/Lunch Menu
Due to weather and school cancellations, Multicultural Night has been postponed. We will alert everyone to the new date once it has been determined.
Multicultural Night - Next Thursday!
New Date: Thursday, March 13th
Time: 6 p.m. - 8 p.m.

Let us all SOAR AROUND THE GLOBE together at our upcoming Multicultural Night at M.E.!

This event will be a wonderful opportunity for our community to come together and celebrate the diverse cultures that make our school so special.

We encourage families to participate by showcasing your unique culture! Whether it’s through sharing traditional foods, music, dances, or cultural artifacts, your contributions will enrich our celebration. If you're interested in volunteering or sharing a cultural presentation, please SIGN UP HERE.
This is a great chance to learn from one another, connect with our community, and celebrate our differences. We look forward to seeing you there!
Kindergarten and Second Grade Concert
Blue under water scene with a baby beluga swimming in the middle. Kindergarteners are presenting Baby Beluga. A musical revue featuring songs by Raffi. March 20th, 2025. 5:30 p.m. ME Gymnasium.
Green background with four pandas surrounding a treasure full of gold coins. 2nd graders are proudly presenting Pandamonium. A musical for young voices. March 20th, 20
Save the Date - Fifth Grade Family Night
Green background with a picture of Olympic View Middle School. Fifth Grade Family Night. March 25th from 6-7 pm.
Pink and green logo with a girl running.
Girls On The Run
Our spring afterschool program for 3rd - 5th graders is coming up. Girls have fun, make friends, increase physical activity levels, and learn important life skills they can use at home, school and with friends. Participant registration is open now. Click here to register.
Time to pre-order your school yearbook. Order forms were send home with your student. There are extra order forms in the office or order online. All orders must be in by March 31st. Questions? Email KIDS Photography at
Class Photo Day and School Yearbook
Class Photo Day
Mukilteo Elementary class photo day is April 23, 2025. To order class photos:
  • Click here to order.
  • Parents can order for more than one student on the same order.
  • You will receive an email confirmation of your order.
The deadline to order online is April 29, 2025.If you have any questions about ordering, please contact KIDS Photography at 425-954-8762 or

It's time to pre-order your school yearbook. Order forms were sent home with your student. Extra order forms are located in the office or order online. All orders must be in by March 31st. Questions? Email KIDS Photography at
Green plaid background with six shamrocks. Each shamrock lists a category. 1. A book with green on the cover. 2. A book about a March holiday. 3. A book that celebrates Women's History Month. 4. A book that is nonfiction. 5. A book that contains something or someone magical. 6. Your choice.
March Reading Challenge
To complete this reading challenge, choose four different books to read this month that match with the categories. Be sure to write the name of the book you read in the shamrock where it fits. Turn it into Mrs. Morse or Mrs. Edwards when you’re done for a chance to win a prize. Happy Reading! Please click here for a printer friendly version.
White background with five different women featured. 10 books are recommended for Women's History Month.
Women's History Month
ME celebrates Women's History Month. Please visit the Library to see the book recommendations for Women's History Month.
Little brown otter holding a green book with text saying The OTTER Award
OTTER 3rd Grade Reading Challenge

These books have been nominated by Washington State teachers and librarians as fantastic new transitional chapter books, perfect for many 3rd grade readers. 3rd grade students are invited to join the challenge to read all 6 books! The challenge begins now and ends in June!

Click here for more information!
Six different books for the OTTER Reading Challenge
Green circle with an outline of Washington State and sasquatch walking through the forest. Text saying Sasquatch Award.
SASQUATCH Reading Challenge
Open to 4th and 5th Graders

WHY? We get better at reading BY READING! Why not read the BEST books! These 12 books have been identified by Washington State teachers and children’s librarians as AWESOME NEW BOOKS for 4th-6th graders! Read or listen to these great titles! Student votes will be counted in April and the Sasquatch Award winner will be announced in May 2025.

Click here for more information!
12 different books for listed for the Sasquatch Award
coffee flyer
Thank you to our awesome Educators!
ME PTSA stocks coffee and tea in the staff lounge to show our gratitude for all our amazing Educators.

Please feel free to donate K-cups (regular, decaf) and tea any time; they are greatly appreciated!

You can bring donations to the front office any time!
Volunteer at Mukilteo Elementary
Prior to volunteering, you must have a current background check on file with the district. Please fill out the necessary form through this link: Mukilteo School District Volunteer. If you have any questions regarding the background check call the Mukilteo Elementary office 425-366-3100. 
Student - Family Handbook
Picture of Mukilteo Elementary School
Mukilteo Elementary School
Mukilteo School District does not discriminate in any programs or activities on the basis of sex, race, creed, religion, color, national origin, age, veteran or military status, sexual orientation, gender expression or identity, disability, or the use of trained dog guide or service animal and provides equal access to the Boy Scouts and other designated youth groups. The following employees have been designated to handle questions and complaints of alleged discrimination: Civil Rights Coordinator and Title IX Coordinator Simone Neal (425-356-1319), Section 504 Coordinator Becca Anderson (425-356-1277), and the ADA/Access Coordinator Karen Mooseker (425-356-1330) Address: 9401 Sharon Drive in Everett, WA. Inquiries regarding ADA/Access issues at Sno-Isle TECH Skills Center should be directed to Wes Allen, Director (425-348-2220) Address: 9001 Airport Road, Everett, WA 98204.