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For attendance and absence related questions or comments, please email us the following information: child's name, dates absent, reason for absence by clicking here.

If you are planning an absence, a Prearranged Absence form must be filled out and returned. Download the Pre-Arranged Absence Form and email it to the Main office.

Chronic Absenteeism and Truancy (Becca Bill)

Washington state's attendance law, known as the Becca Bill, requires the school/district and the juvenile court to take specific actions when youth are truant, as well as in the elementary when students begin accumulating excused absences.

What is Truancy? A student is considered truant if they miss 5 or more unexcused days in a month or 10 or more unexcused days in a school year.

Every absence, excused or unexcused, is a learning opportunity lost and can have significant impacts on a student’s success in school and life. A student who misses 10% or more of their school days, which can mean just two days a month, for any reason, is considered chronically absent. Chronically absent students are more likely to fall behind academically and less likely to graduate from high school. Addressing chronic absenteeism and developing good attendance habits is a solvable problem for which we all share responsibility.

OSPI - Attendance and Chronic Absenteeism

Chronic Absenteeism/Truancy (Becca) Files: